I got to check two things off my shoot bucket list this past week:
1.) Photographing the beautiful + badass @honeyswordcosplay ⚔️ and 2.) Working with @easternwindstudio who makes the most amazing, incredibly realistic/ethically designed animal headdresses. And the two of them paired together amidst crumbling ruins in the woods? Yeah… I’m speechless.
I’m just sitting here thinking about *little me* and how in awe she would be over where we are today. Some days it’s easy to feel like I’ve accomplished nothing, but when I look at where I am through her eyes I can see everything clearly. I remember how frustrated I’d get with my art as a child— crumpling drawings with so much anger and throwing them across the room. Comparing my doodles to the magical/other-worldly paintings on the folders my mom would buy me for school. Fast forward to feeling so misunderstood in high school photo class and nearly failing. To trying to navigate “success” as a business owner while clinging dearly to the subject matters I truly loved…
I think if I were to go back to *little me* in the earliest stages of my creativity I’d tell her it’s all going to be ok— one day you’ll be traveling across states, exploring castles, and ruins, and beautiful places with warriors, queens, and magical beings alike— meeting so many talented people who have fought their way here as well. I’d tell her she will do incredible things, she will have her seat at the table, and she will know who she is, and that each part of the journey was a crucial stepping stone to making it where we are today. She’d barely believe her eyes.
Model: @honeyswordcosplay
Headdress: @easternwindstudio